Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cookies with heart

Photo/Gluten Free Garden State

In honor of Valentine's Day, we've created gluten-free chocolate chip cookies with a holiday twist. These delicious concoctions were partly inspired by a request I received to share my opinion on gluten-free flours.

I have a wealth of experience with the Celiac lifestyle and that's why this blog exists.

In the 16 years I've been living gluten-free, flours have come a looooooonnnngggg way. No longer do we have to purchase multiple types of flours and xanthan gum to create merely a so-so baking flour. Attempting to bake with a "traditional" recipe was unheard of, since there really were no cup-for-cup alternatives.

Enter all-purpose gluten-free flours.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sharing the gluten-free love

A gluten-free diet doesn't evoke warm and fuzzy feelings for most of us.

Unless, of course, you've accidentally ingested some gluten.

But a Valentine's Day project just might bring them on.

See, a bunch of smart teenagers have figured out that people on special diets who are going hungry have very few options at soup kitchens and food pantries. So, they've organized the Share-the-Love Gluten Free food drive for the second consecutive year.

You are strongly encouraged to make a donation.

Orlando Road Trip: Animal Kingdom

Gluten. Free. Churros. They are as delicious as they sound. Paired with vanilla and strawberry dipping sauces, they're heavenly. ...