Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prepared for a Girl Scout cookie


There is a lot of talk going around about the new gluten-free Girl Scout cookies with some key points missing.  

Before you get too excited, you must first know that this is a test product. It is not readily available and no Girl Scouts in New Jersey are currently selling them. Regional Girl Scout councils in select markets across the country are offering them. 


Hopefully, you will be able to in the future.
In the meantime, the closest to the Garden State is the Eastern Pennsylvania Council, which serves Philadelphia, and it won’t have them until the spring.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Slices of gluten-free heaven

Photos by Gluten Free Garden State/Strawberry Pie topped with shaved white chocolate by Mrs. Pie Face.
Pour yourself a tall glass of lactose-free milk because it's time to talk pies.

Today is National Pie Day, as determined by the American Pie Council. It's simply a day to encourage people to bake, buy and eat more pie, including the fruit and dessert varieties, as well as quiche and pot pies. Of course, all kinds of pie can be made or purchased in our favorite way: Gluten-free!

My personal baking experiences have been good with pre-made pie shells. And while I haven't tried creating my own shell from scratch, I have seen and tasted homemade gluten-free pies from Mrs. Pie Face Dessert Salon & Cafe in Burlington City. They baked up nicely too.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wrapped tight

One of my recent discoveries is the gluten-free wrap by Toufayan Bakeries. Based in Ridgefield, Bergen County, the company also has two plants in Florida, which is where I first found these wonderful wraps.

Luckily, I've been able to find them at home too.

Orlando Road Trip: Animal Kingdom

Gluten. Free. Churros. They are as delicious as they sound. Paired with vanilla and strawberry dipping sauces, they're heavenly. ...