Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prepared for a Girl Scout cookie


There is a lot of talk going around about the new gluten-free Girl Scout cookies with some key points missing.  

Before you get too excited, you must first know that this is a test product. It is not readily available and no Girl Scouts in New Jersey are currently selling them. Regional Girl Scout councils in select markets across the country are offering them. 


Hopefully, you will be able to in the future.
In the meantime, the closest to the Garden State is the Eastern Pennsylvania Council, which serves Philadelphia, and it won’t have them until the spring.

The second thing to know is that you aren’t getting Thin Mints or any other signature Girl Scout cookie. This is one flavor and it’s a new one: Chocolate Chip Shortbread. I’ve seen people airing their complaints through social media, but I urge everyone to give it a shot. It could be awful, and it could be the best cookie you’ve ever tasted. Also, progress doesn’t happen overnight. The Girl Scouts are starting with a simple flavor. If all goes well, perhaps gluten-free Thin Mints is in our future.

Whether or not this cookie becomes available nationwide or spawns other flavors depends on its success this selling season. Again, I urge you to give it a shot. It’s all about supply and demand.

Aside from my gluten-free experience, I serve as a volunteer for the Girl Scouts. I’ve been hearing from a good number of parents and friends who are excited about the gluten-free cookie and disappointed that they have to continue waiting for it. I like knowing that there’s a demand for this type of cookie, and hoping the test period goes well for those of us with gluten issues.

I plan on crossing the Delaware River this spring to find out what the fuss is all about. 

For more information about the Girl Scouts' test plan for the gluten-free cookie, go to www.abcsmartcookies.com.


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Orlando Road Trip: Animal Kingdom

Gluten. Free. Churros. They are as delicious as they sound. Paired with vanilla and strawberry dipping sauces, they're heavenly. ...