Sunday, November 9, 2014

GFGS Community Calendar: November 2014

As a service to our regular readers and the Celiac community at large, Gluten Free Garden State is providing an ongoing list of upcoming events of interest. We feature local happenings, as well as major national events open to the public. The calendar appears on the second Sunday of each month. Links are posted to Facebook and Twitter using the hashtags #2ndSundaySked and #savetheceliacdate.


In the Garden State

TODAY: 942 Summit Grand Opening, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at the artisanal shop 942 Summit Ave. in Jersey City. The brick-an-mortar store is a partnership of WHOS Gluten Free baked goods, the Tea Bar and DIY Beauty Bar. The grand opening features free tea tastings served with gluten-free goodies at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and skincare demos at 11 a.m. and 3 .p.m.

Monday, Nov. 10: Holiday Meals Cooking Seminar, 7-9 p.m., at The Kitchen Guy, 25 Amity St., Little Falls. Full details are here.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

WHOS Gluten Free? This new shop


Sunday marks the Grand Opening of an artisanal cafe/shop serving fresh, gluten-free baked goods in Jersey City.

942 Summitis the name of the store, as well as its street address. The store is a partnership between the WHOS Gluten Free baking company, the Tea Bar and DIY Beauty Bar, creating a unique mix of commerce.

WHOS is a young company that has been building a following through online and market stand promotion. Founder/head baker Steph Wong and her team sell products at area farmers markets and special events around the North Jersey/NYC region. (They’re scheduled as vendors at the Jersey City Project: Market, Dec. 6-7, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at City Hall Plaza, according to the WHOS website.)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Crunchy crumbs

Cooking is a nice mix of art and science, and it takes effort to find just the right balance. And it's all subjective.
I've tried multiple bread crumbs from several brands and in a variety of flavors. I've even made my own, using the ends of breads on hand and adding my preferred seasonings. They're put in my homemade meatballs and meatloaf, and for breading meats and veggies.
Until now, everything I've used has elicited a "meh" reaction, typically thickening a recipe while turning to mush. Flavor, or lack therof, has also been an issue.
But I recently discovered bread crumbs made by Metropolitan Gourmet of Parsippany, and I believe I've finally found what I like. Make that, love.

Orlando Road Trip: Animal Kingdom

Gluten. Free. Churros. They are as delicious as they sound. Paired with vanilla and strawberry dipping sauces, they're heavenly. ...